Friday, March 31, 2006

The new Guthrie Theatre, from the south-east.

The new Guthrie Theatre, still unopened... March 2006

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Star Tribune Distribution Center - 2006

Not far from the Metrodome-Light Rail Station

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Aberdeenshire - Scotland, 2005

Ruined Castle, a bit off the beaten path

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Anti-war protest in Edinburgh

They're not too fond of war, over in merry ol' Britain.

Protest on the Royal Mile, Edinburgh, Scotland - 2005

Monday, March 27, 2006

Hawick, Scottish Borders - UK - 2005

I'm going to shake things up a bit:

Hawick hillside ruins, Scotland - 2005

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Pillsbury "A" mill - Close Up. March 2006

On St. Anthony Main, Pillsbury "A" mill. About to be refurbished into rich-people's condos.

By the way... The weird "wobble" to the front wall of the Mill is not a weird "lens" thing due to a camera... It actually does bow out like that. Doesn't look very structurally sound, but... Heck... Rich people aren't known for their engineering knowledge.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Pillsbury "A" mill and other silos. March 2006

Sometimes, being a photographer is really interesting... Sometimes, it's a bit of a heavy burden. You see... Soon, the vista below, that's been here in Minneapolis for over 100 years, will no longer exist. Take a long look, folks... Soon, this will all be condominiums for rich people.

Pillsbury Mills, with Stone Arch Bridge in foreground. March 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Stone Arch Bridge, from the south, sorta.

The Stone Arch Bridge - March, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Steps... West-bank of the Mississippi

I walked on these:

Rather rickety steps that were closed, and that I walked down anyway. At the bottom I realised why they were closed!

A blatent plug, now... It's art... The newest episode of Motif Radio is up on the web. It's all about photography. And I co-produced it with My Lady. Please check it out, if you have a mo'. Cheers!

-- Tucker

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

St. Anthony Falls, Minneapolis - 2006

St. Anthony Falls. I understand that before the "Mills" got to them, the falls were beautiful. Now they're a controlled-cemented-millrace. But the power is still evident.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Mill City Museum, Minneapolis - 2006

The "ruined" mill, part of the Museum, and next to a famous sign, 'The Gold Medal Flour" sign. Second to only ONE other "old-famous" sign in Minneapolis... The "Grain Belt Premium" sign. Beer. It's what's for dinner.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Mill Ruins - March, 2006

Ruins of the Minneapolis Mill-works, next to Lock and Dam and the Stonearch Bridge.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Blarney Castle Tower - Cork R.O. Ireland - 1999

In honour of St. Patrick's day today... I thought I'd throw up an image from an older series.

Blarney Watch Tower, Cork, Ireland - 1999

I lived in Ireland for a while back in 1999, and made a million rolls of film (of which most were destroyed by being "re-scaned" by an x-ray machine at the airport, but I digress) About 15 rolls survived, and I made a series of images from these negatives. The 35mm Black and White film was scanned. The images were "messed with" by yours truly using Photoshop, and the digitised image was then out-put on transparency film through an Epson ink-jet printer... Then I returned to the darkroom, and produced regular silver/selenium prints on paper.

Happy St. Patrick's Day. Feel free to come over to my "regular-blog" for some other Irish images today. The Life and Times of an Ex²-Pat Yank

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Stone Arch Bridge from the West.

The first in a new series I'm calling the Mill District. These photos were taken on March 14th in Minneapolis in and around the Mill District. Enjoy!

The Stone Arch Bridge, over the Mississippi from the West bank of the river.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Final Image of series... Steps Closed!

I mean, really... Teaching your children to break the law is just sick and wrong. ;-) Minnehaha Falls Park, March - 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Out for a walk.

Check this out... She's looking weird with her legs up, and the dog is "doing his duty"... All in one photograph!

Monday, March 13, 2006

8:15 am CST - March 13th - Snow Storm

In deference of the weather... A break from the Minnehaha Falls series:

Back Patio at my house in Bloomington, MN USA

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Statue of Hiawatha, I think...

Last one for the week, kids... I'm taking Sunday's off. Anyhoo...

A quiet "weekend-type" photograph: Hiawatha carries a woman (Sacagawea? I don't know... Heck, I don't even know if that's meant to be Hiawatha. Some historian I am, huh?)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Minnehaha Falls in Winter - 2006

The "Frozen Falls" in question:

The Minnehaha Falls in Winter - March 2006

Again... It's pretty strange to video-tape something like this.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Videoing - a frozen waterfall?

Due to my wife telling me that I should put a "less boring" photo up, for this series... (I was going to do the "non-people" shots first, then the "people" ones...) But... My Lady speaks!

Man and his wife, using a video camera to record the FROZEN falls.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A bench on the stair-well down to the creek.

The Bench - 2006

Whilst building the steps down to the bottom of the falls, the WPA made sure that there were places for the "less-mobile" to take a rest. Here's an original 1940-something remnant of that period of time.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bridge over Minneahaha Creek

The first bridge over the Minnehaha Creek, down-stream of the "Falls" - 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006

The First in a series... Minnehaha Falls, Park

In deference of my "British" viewers... I'm posting this at 12:30am (CST- US, or -6:00 UST/GMT or... To be easy... 6:30am Monday, in Canterbury.) I've been promising a "Monday" post all weekend... And I have a feeling folks in Britain would be pretty put out with me, if they weren't able to see the post until 5:00pm THEIR time. So... Here you go folks.

Okay... I'm starting a bit of a series today. It isn't connected in any way/shape/or form to some "collective-theoretical topic" What DOES connect these photos that I will be showing for the next week or so, is simply their location. I made approximately 130 photos on March 4th at Minnehaha Falls, Park in Minneapolis. I've chosen 12 photographs that I feel have some artistic merit. Either due to simple compositional theory of the elements of art: line/shape/form/texture/value/colour... Or due to an anthropological story or concept that gripped me, at the time of making. I hope you enjoy the next group of photographs... please... COMMENT!

Thanks! -- T. MacNeill.

Park benches stacked for the winter, Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis, MN - 2006

Friday, March 03, 2006

Peavy Plaza

Peavy Plaza in Winter, 2006

Peavy Plaza is a LOT different in the summers, as homeless folk like to sleep on the cement/tiers. It can carry an air of menace at night, even in Winter. And strangely enough, it's right next to the Minnesota Orchestra Building! Weird.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Light-Rail Station, Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

The Nicollet Mall, Light-rail Station, Minneapolis - 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Kelso Abbey - The "man-box"

A remnant of the past at Kelso Abbey, in Kelso, Scottish Borders.