Sunday, April 30, 2006

Particle Board at the Target Center

Stacks of beat-up sheet-board stuff.
Target Center, Downtown Minneapolis - 2006

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Bike tours, anyone?

Sibley Bike Rides, Lowertown St. Paul, Minnesota. 2006

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Motorcycle and sidecar in Lowertown, St. Paul April, 2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

First Ave. Minneapolis - April, 2006

First Ave. Best Music Nightclub in Minneapolis. (IMO)
With associated signage.

Okay... Not "Surreal" in any photographic/artistic sense. However... There's an interesting 50/50 split, if one reads the text in the photo...

Pantages Theatre sign - local/awesome
First Ave. sign - local/awesome
Hard Rock Cafe sign - evil - corporate crap
USBANK Billboard - evil - corporate banking crap.

Again, all in my own opinion. Och weel... I love Minneapolis. And no... I've never been to ANY Hard Rock Cafe. Call me quirky.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Man with a shopping cart

Man with a loaded shopping cart on Nicollet Mall,
Minneapolis-April, 2006

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Suburban Hell

American Blvd, Bloomington, MN. April 2006.
Give you an idea why my wife and I
are desperate to leave?

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Playing Catch - Lake Calhoun April 2006

Playing Catch - Obscured by annoying in-line skater

Okay, so... Now you're asking why I threw a photo up here, that is OBVIOUSLY obscured in some manner.

I've been going over the past few months of photographs, that I've been posting, and have come to a slight realisation.

What is it, you ask?

Surrealistic photos seem to get the best response.

I'm not sure why, exactly... But I feel that as an artist, it's my job to "lean" towards an audience's tastes a the whilst, not compromising my own artistic integrity. (Yeah, artistic integrity I have... Personal integrity? Shite, I'd sell my soul for a chocolate-chip cookie. I digress.) Therefore, I am going to start "aiming" at the surreal. Perhaps this will be a new beginning for my work, who knows? But what I'm sort of excited about, is that I started this photo-blog as a bit of an experiment, and a way to FORCE myself to get out of the studio, and go make photographs. It's been doing that much anyway, so... Goodness. But something that I wasn't even going to allow myself to hope for, has also happened. I've begun getting ideas, just based on this blog. Ideas that are starting to creep their way from my subconscious to my conscious mind... Ideas that I find exciting, and fun.

I hope you all enjoy my weird little side trips, occasionally... Or, if you don't like them... I hope you're willing to put up with a brief "artistic-spew" of ideas, every now and again.

Anyhoo... Why THIS photo, you ask?

Like most photographers doing basic urban/street/cultural photography... I make a thousand photos for every 10 that I actually end up showing to people. Things go WRONG when one is making a photo... The focus gets messed up... A car/bus/human will come banging into your frame of view, blocking your original composition... All sorts of strange things happen. Anyhoo... With this particular photograph, I was attempting to make a photo of a mother and daughter playing some sort of "paddle-catch" game thing... And an in-line skater (Rollerblader) came shooting across the composition, just as the shutter was going off. This sort of thing tends to ruin a photograph. However, I got to thinking (whilst on this "surreal" kick,) "Wait a minute." I said, "Just what's 'good' about this photo?"

• Asymmetrical composition. (all the rage)
• Action. (the floating ball, and the skater)
• The Moment is captured. (Quite obviously)

By taking a moment, I was able to embrace the "shite" of the photo, and capitalise on the "good" of the photo. Perhaps, you the viewer, won't actually like this photo. That's okay... I'm not too sure about it myself. But it had something... Something intangible that speaks to my inner surrealist-photographer.

Anyhoo... I'll stop now. Cheerio!

-- Tucker

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Uptown - News-rank

Uptown - Lake Street, Minneapolis - April 2006

Monday, April 17, 2006

Young Love on Calhoun

A couple on the shore of Lake Calhoun
Minneapolis, MN - April 2006

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sparrow in Uptown

Opportunistic Sparrow outside Dunn Bros. Coffee
Uptown, Minneapolis - April 2006

Bastards know where "their bread is buttered," that's for bloody sure!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Something surreal about this one:

Boat, life-guard stand, pole and wife.
Lake Calhoun, April 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

E. T. ... Phone home....

A "landscape" still life on Lake Calhoon

Monday, April 10, 2006

All right... Construction site!

Okay, it's a bit strange for a "Tucker" photo... But I actually really enjoyed the composition.

Construction site
Penn Ave and American Blvd, Bloomington. April - 2006

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nice day on Lake Calhoun

Joggers and dog-walkers galore!
Lake Calhoun, April 8th, 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

The IDS building is really reflective.

Yeah, yeah... I know, I know.

Read my Other blog to figure out why I've been remiss in posting.

Anyhoo... On with a photo, hmm?

The IDS building.
Downtown Minneapolis, March 2006

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Mississippi, Minneapolis - March 2006

A nice sunny day for photography:

The Mississippi, or "Ol' Muddy" although... That's what it's called far to the South, as it's pretty clean up here in Minnesota.