Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Parking Ramp Weirdness

Marquette and Washington Avenue, Minnepolis

I just have no idea what this weird green protuberance on the back of the parking ramp, is meant to be! But it LOOKS sort of nifty, I suppose.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Need a lift?

Nicollet Mall and 3rd St. Minneapolis - 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis

An MTC Bus, on Nicollet Ave. in Minneapolis.

I rather like this one, just due to the strange angles, and the motion of the bus is nicely subtle.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Misbegotten Sock

Bit of whimsy:

Misbegotten Sock, Edina Parking Lot, 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Lake District - England

Due to not having any TIME this week to go out "making..."

I'm pulling out an "archive" shot:

The Lake District, England - 2005

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fort Snelling

Fort Snelling from the St. Paul side of the river, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

Welcome to my new "photo-oriented" weblog.

I've decided to do a "daily-photo" blog.

Now, as a fairly experienced blogger... I realise that occasionally I won't actually be ABLE to put a photo up here every day, but... I'm going to try.

I will not be "ranting" or going on and on about topics, although occasionally I may find an interesting site that I'll link to on this page. The sites would be something "artistic" and interesting. I may write about something "artistic" as well... If I have a critique of an exhibition I've seen, or an fascinating article, or some such thing. However, the main purpose of this site is to showcase my photography. I have another BLOG where I will continue to "rant" or "share" or "comment on society at-large" and that will go on as normal.

Comments on the photos are welcome. I've been a photographer for a LONG time, and you aren't going to destroy me if you're a bit critical. However... Know that I DO have control over the comments, and if your comment is just plain STUPID I'm not going to leave it up here. Be intelligent. Thanks.

Okay... Here's the first go:

Woman in a coffee-shop window.