Saturday, February 24, 2007

Late winter storm

Cold, snowy, horrible winds, ah... Winter in Minnesota.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Um, well, it's been two weeks...

So, I suppose I should post something here. I will do so. However, it's a bit different from my "usual" posting of one photo, per day... You see... I still haven't had a chance due to weather and "extreme craziness" so... Yeah. It's slow moving. But I AM endeavouring to get out there, and with the weather supposedly due to improve, perhaps I'm not lying.

Anyhoo... Last night (Saturday 17th) we helped our friends Anne Selden and Brett Kallusky to shoot portfolio-photos for Anne's new fashion line of clothing. It was a marathon session of commercial-like photography, and I learned a LOT from the experience. Whilst Brett made photos with the Hasselblad with the fancy "digital back" on it, I took a moment to give over the Macintosh computer (used for the shoot) to My Lady, whilst I made a few photos. I thought I'd throw up some of the better captures HERE on this site, as I needed something to put here, so people don't yell at me. ;-)

Okay, so... On with the photos:

Fiona, Anne and Brett (L to R) in the Dance Studio at the Carleton Artist Lofts in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Brett (on camera) and Fiona (on Mac)

Anne, preparing the next piece for it's photograph

Brett, explaining the magic of a good tripod. (Okay, not really.)

Anne, the fashion-designer (and client) Brett, the client's fiancé and great photographer, and Fiona my wife, and Brett's able photographic assistant.

So... There everyone goes... A fun romp through "commercial-esque" photography by yours-truly. The best part of last night's gig, wasn't the staying up till 6:00 am this morning... (Although for pure "undergrad memories" it was a GOOD part of it) No, the best part was reminding me why I am a fine-art photographer, and why I don't DO commercial work. The experience was interesting, edifying and rewarding. But it's not for me.

I'm off. See ya back here, later, huh?

-- Tucker

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Yeah, a friend yelled at me about not sticking pics up here for almost three weeks.

Mea Culpa.
First reason... -23°C temps are not conducive for photo-making.

My friend also said, "You have archives, we know that." or something like that.

Second reason... Nope. I've used UP all my archives. I DO have about 300 CD-R's with OLDER photos on them, but... I packed them, and they're somewhere in the fifteen thousand boxes that we're moving to our new flat.


I'll be back, but if you all want to take a two week break from today (Feb. 3rd) from checking this site, I'll understand. Hopefully it won't be that long, but just think... You may have TONNES of photos ALL AT ONCE, when you come back!

Thanks for sticking with me folks. I'm trying.
